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Monday, April 12, 2010

No deposit, no return. What does that even mean? Let me explain why "No deposit, no return" has become one of my favorite sayings...in CrossFit and life in general.

Every time I teach an intro class at BCCF, I make it a point to ask each client what they are trying to accomplish by getting started with CrossFit. Most people give me the generic answer of "I want to get in shape," which is a perfectly great answer. On the other hand, clients have given me reasons such as "I want to be jacked and tan", "I'm enlisting in the Army and don't want to get my ass handed to me", or "because my wife is making me." Again, all fantastic answers (well, the wife reason is a bit sketchy). My follow-up question is usually "what are you willing to do to satisfy that reason?" Simply put, the amount of effort you put into CrossFit will stricktly determine what you get out of it - no deposit, no return. At this point in the conversation some clients are probably thinking they wish they would have stayed home. I begin to talk about frequency of workouts, importance of nutrition, journals, and pushing your physical limits. The deposits are growing. Now we talk about recovery, drinking beer (actually, that we should lay off the beer a bit), and the 23 hours of the day we're not in the gym. The deposits are still mounting up. Next comes the talk about that sweetner you put in your coffee and how you always try to find the parking space closest to the store entrance. Even more deposits. We're 10 minutes into our 12 minute conversation and all we've talked about are deposits...where are the returns!! That's the hard part folks. In fitness we deposit, deposit, deposit for what seems like months and months. The returns just don't seem to be making their way back to us. They will. I promise. The deposit you made by giving your all in every class, by changing your eating habits, by tracking your workouts and meals in your journals, and every other deposit you made will create a return in the end. Those of you just starting out, keep making those deposits, the returns are right around the corner. Those of you who have seen the returns reaped from generous deposits, share your story with the newcomers...we can all use the encouragement.

'till next time....



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