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Who are you accountable to?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's back to blogging!  I'm out of practice, so no judging...

The title says it all...who are you accountable to for what you are looking for in __________ (fill in the blank).  Maybe it's in fitness, nutrition, work, tithing, or just life in general.  Hopefully #1, you're accountable to yourself, but let's be honest, that's not always the easiest task.  Sometimes we need someone from the outside looking in to keep us on task and accountable for our goals.  That's why I'm here today...I need you guys, my clients, fellow coaches, and friends to help me be accountable for an aspect of my lift that I have let slide in the past 16-18 months.

In October of 2013 I fulfilled a goal of mine and joined the Houston Fire Department.  It was a major lifestyle change for me in terms of time management.  I was back working for the man while in the Academy for 10ish hours a day.  My freedom to work out, plan my meals, and keep my fitness lift on track were slightly derailed.  As hard as I tried, my weight lifting and CrossFitting fell by the wayside.  In a big way.  I didn't lift a weight in terms of weight training for almost a year and while I was running daily at the academy (gross, I know) my WOD's had dropped back to just a couple times/week.

We finally graduated in June of 2014 and we headed out to the station.  Turns out it's really easy to eat REALLY bad at the station.  I don't think I have to elaborate on that.

Finally, my beautiful wife Kelly and I were expecting our first child in December 2014.  Our baby Grace Lucille was born on December 28th and we couldn't be more happy.  Turns out having a baby also means you're really busy...all the time!

So in a nutshell, my fitness and nutrition have fallen by the wayside in the past 17ish months.  While I'm back to lifting weights here and there, and have managed to squeeze in WODs before coaching classes, my nutrition is a mess. It seems my motivation has been wiped away.  I sometimes get excited to get back on track...and then I see a doughnut...may doughnuts are good.  So is bread, pasta, ice cream, brownies, cookies...blah blah blah.

This is where you come in.  I need your help.  I need you to help hold me accountable.  On Wednesday March 18th begins my new quest for healthy eating.  No more doughnuts.  No more biscuits.  No more ice cream.  Just good food and good workouts.  So, if you see me with a doughnut in hand, or ice cream remnants on my t-shirt, call me out!  Tell me I'm failing.  And don't be nice.  Make me feel bad.  Make me feel guilty!  It's my own 60 day challenge that I want you to be a part of. Will you help?


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